28 September 2009

Settling into Siena

SO since last entry I've been mostly sticking to Siena (with a small trip to Florence, where I bought a fabulous pair of boots). Our other classes have started, and for the most part are very interesting.

I'm taking Italian Language and Culture, obviously, and it's pretty good. Wish we were still learning as fast as we did at first; I also really wish that Wooster had Italian classes so I could continue with my Italian, but alas. Somehow, someday, I will find a way.

Also taking Creative Writing, which has been ok, but not as good as my intro class. Granted, we've barely gotten into writing, so I'm going to give it some time, but... whatevz.

Art History (Iconography!) is really really cool. The only thing cooler than learning Siena's ridiculous history is seeing the art that came about because of it and then actually SEEING that art not just on slides, but in person. Awesome.

Finally, taking Sociology and Sociolinguistics which is THE COOLEST EVER. Well, Sociolinguistics is, but I can't say about Sociology yet because the Prof for that half of the class has been out with injured ankle, I believe it is. But language is so cool so linguistics is cool so everything is awesome.

It's been really nice just hanging around Siena, for the most part. The weather is still gorgeous. More gorgeous, even, since instead of being a billion degrees, it's a nice 80 during the hottest parts and a brisk 56 at night. There was a lot of rain for a week and a half or so, but that hasn't returned yet, so it's been really really nice to hang outside. Outside is the best side, and I've been happy. Also it was nice to go to Florence and really put Siena into perspective - Siena is a lot smaller. However, the number of tourists, which seemed ridiculous at first, are actually a lot less in Siena. Siena's a lot cleaner, too. It's just all around way better. Except the shopping and the duomo in Florence are better, I will give it that. Probably the night life, too, but I've been enjoying myself.

GOOD NEWS, Alison and I finally sat down and planned our fall break plans. We're flying out of Bologna to Barcelona, but actually it's not Barcelona, it's 100 km from Barcelona. Which makes it super cheap, which is awesome. We are perfectly content with fake-Barcelona and will make a day trip visit to the real Barcelona, anyway. After a few days in fake-Barcelona we're going to fly into Edinburgh and see beautiful Scotland. :) WHICH I JUST REALIZED is a hollaback to Wooster and our dear Fighting Scots. That makes it even more cool than just going to Scotland. We'll stay there a few days and then fly back into Pisa and then bus-ride our butts back to Siena.

I'm also looking into a Greece trip over our long weekend, but that all depends on $$$$$.

One of the weekends coming up we are going to another agritourismo, which I am pretty pumped about because they are really awesome. Rumor has it this one is on / near the coast, which is even better.

I've realized that as much as I want to travel and as cheap as it is to do sometimes (and by "cheap" I mean it's more cheap than traveling from America to Greece, for example...) we just really don't have the time. There's so much I want to see, and the facts are that I just won't be able to. Not enough time, not enough funds. Which I am pretty ok with. I really like the idea of getting to know Siena pretty well. It really makes it more of a home.

Some pictures.

Sometimes it is sunny while it rains here. And most times it rains, it isn't for a super long time. The weather is very bipolar.

Here's some puppy-chow making action. (For those of you not from the Midwest, puppy chow is chocolate, peanut butter, powdered sugar, and cereal (usually chex) and it is the best.) Unfortunately, peanut butter is literally 3,77 euro. For like a cup and a half. Ridiculous.

One of the views from Siena's Medici fortress. Lots of great views up there, and it's a really nice place to sit and relax or walk around or run. And around the bottom every Wednesday is a fabulous market with clothes, food, and everything you would ever want ever.

Siena is the best.

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