03 October 2009

siena is the best city

Tonight in il campo, which is the main public piazza, there was a big party for the civetta contrada (contradas are neighborhoods) who won the most recent palio (it's a horse race in the campo; there are two a summer, and they are the biggest deal ever). I was out having dinner with Ashton and we watched them party and they had two huge video screens and water effects and lighting effects and the horse that won the race came and everyone was happy and eating fancy dinners.

Other contradas are also partying it up tonight. Tortuca is having a pretty big party in their area because they won the July palio this summer. La torre is partying outside of my window with songs like "Disco Inferno" and "It's Rainin' Men." I'm assuming other contradas are having their own fun, too.

In any case, I'm convinced that the Palio and Siena's contradas make it the best city in Italy. The Palio has been going on FOREVER and the pride that everyone has in their neighborhoods and the camaraderie is really nice to see. Even though this is a city, people are still all really familiar and friendly with each other. Italians also aren't as afraid of showing fondness as Americans tend to be, so you just get to see a lot of love all the time.

You also can't compare the Palio to any other sport in terms of how big a deal it is. It's not like baseball where you can pick a team you like. You're born into your contrada. You are BAPTIZED in its baptismal fountain. You grow up learning the songs, wearing the scarves, going to dinners, watching the parades (where if you're a boy you might be a flag bearer or play the drum), and seeing the Palio twice every summer. So if your contrada wins, it means a lot more, because it's really your contrada. It's not just your favorite baseball team.

It's the coolest thing ever, and it makes me so happy to be here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're having such a great time! Wish I was there.... :(
    miss you!
